Friday, December 13, 2013

THE BIRDS - Coffee/Tea Trays

First, if you're just popping in you can go here to see more or you can peek here to see how I painted my trays and what they're made from.

I'm still working diligently to get my trays out before the holiday and here are a few more. For these trays I decided to go with birds...

It doesn't matter if your tray has little dinks in them, that slight imperfection gives them a unique, personal, home-y, kinda look. I like to call it "character".  Use to hold jewelry or other trinkets.

I had a smaller tray, so I decided to make this a set. 

The small trays are idea for holding coffee or maybe a few crackers

And here's one in silver

Once again I painted a smaller tray to make a set

The back of most of my trays were painted black, but I painted the back of these silver

Here's the set

One of the styro trays I used was extremely sturdy but deep, sort of like a bowl.  Initially I was hesitant about using it

but I'm glad I did

Here's another that was a bit flimsy 

So I adhered two together

And here we have one other lonely bird  ;-)

and to think it all started from this

Birds of a Feather Flock Together

Always remember to LET YOUR CREATIVITY FLOW!

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