Friday, November 4, 2011


The Versatile Blogger Award

This week I was the recipient of  The Versatile Blogger Award from QueLinda.  There is nothing better than being recognized and honored by other bloggers so I’m flattered at receiving this award.

The rules for those who receive 
The Versatile Blogger Award 
are as follows:

1. Thank and link back to the person who gave the award to you.
2. Share 7 things about yourself.
3. Send it along to 15 other bloggers and let them know you have awarded them.

First a BIG THANKS to Que Linda for following my blog and awarding me with this prestigious award.  If you haven’t already visited her sight please do so.  She’s full of creativity and you can find everything from sewing tutorials, decorating, cooking and using power tools on her blog.
I don’t generally talk about myself so let’s see… here are seven things about me I would never tell anybody else… (smile)

1.       I have a wonderful 21 year son who always keeps me on my toes; he’s always trying to keep me up to date with the latest slangs, artist, styles, etc.

2.      I’m a native of New Jersey later moving to Georgia and now residing in The Bahamas

3.      I worked in Human Resources for most of my professional life and I’m presently the Director at an AV & Production Company.

4.      I never really painted or did anything creative or crafty until about 3 years ago when the economy plunged, my budget dropped, and I realized I had to learn to do it myself.

5.      I’m forever thankful the economy plunged; if it hadn’t I would have never met the creative me; I would have never ventured into Blog Land; I would have never met all of you beautiful people.

6.      I’ve been dieting for over 25 years and still haven’t met my weight goal.

7.      One day I hope to overcome my fear of butterflies, bugs, lizards, hummingbirds, etc. so I can work on my landscaping because right now it sucks!
I follow a lot of blogs that boast of ingenuity so it’s difficult selecting a handful, so in no particular order I would like to recognize.

  1. Shans Wife MeMe – Comeca can help you to organize your life (or at least wish you were organized).  But there’s something about her blogs that make you feel 'content'.

  1. Art is Beauty – Karin’s projects are a work of art.  You have to visit her blog to understand – she doesn’t just refinish furniture she turns it into something to be admired.

  1. Chynadoll Creations– If you have dolls you have to visit this site.  Noelle give the Barbie doll a whole new twist.  You will never look at dolls the same once you visit her blog.

  1. DIY, Crafts & Other Projects -  If you ever wanted to know if you can make a bag from catalog pages, newspaper & duct tape check out her Birkin inspired bag on this site, you'll probably think twice before spending lots of money on a purse. 

  1. Villabarnes – Although Rosemary’s projects go beyond outstanding she’s humbly rooted and doesn’t mind sharing her knowledge.  I read her blogs for inspiration.

  1. Every Thing has a Place – Alyssa gives helpful advice on what to do or what not to do when decorating your home. 

  1. The Scotts Crib – Lotoya talks about everything, dieting, business, everyday life.  On those days when you’re tired of working on projects and just want to lay back and relax, drop by her crib.

  1. For the love of White – I use to think white was boring until I came across this blog.  Her blog will make you fall back in love with white.

  1. Fox Hollow Cottage -  Shannon believes in using what you have and she has a real knack for making a brown paper bag look sheik!

  1. Lori Lovin Life – Lori puts a neat twist on simple ways to organize accessories or for planning meals.

  1. As the Card Rack Turns – With Christmas coming up Donna’s blog is a must see.  She has a wonderful way of turning a plain, simple card into something strikingly beautiful.  Her cards are a keepsake.

  1. Progressions – After following JC’s blog I’ve come to realize I don't need a new camera, I just need to learn to take pictures.  If you need some lessons in photography or if you’re inspired by great photography, just check him out.
  1. Signature Style – What can I say?  She got Style!  I’ve decided before I put together my next wardrobe I’ll definitely visit Sing’s blog, her color coordination and layering technique are off the wall!

  1. South Bay Studio – Kathi designs and paints beautiful custom cards.  She’s new at blogging but you can easily fall in love with her work.
  1. The essence of home – Kelly believes in thinking outside of the box .   I especially love her use of mirrors and the use of throw pillows throughout her home.

  1. Saving 4 Six – Carrie shows you terrific ways to save on grocery, deals that can make you grow envious… but what really inspired me was her Book Page Wreath which I’m seriously thinking of doing something similar for Christmas.

  1. Don’t Disturb this Groove – Although she’s won this award before I can’t leave out Brandi.  She was my very first follower and she constantly came by posting pleasant comments about my good and my 'not too good' projects (smile).
I think the whole purpose of this award was to allow us an opportunity to meet and greet other bloggers that we may not have had an opportunity to meet otherwise.   So, if you have a chance just click on any of the above blogs and introduce yourself.   It's a wonderful way to form a network of friends.



Unknown said...

Thanks so much, you're awesome!:)

Rosemary@villabarnes said...

I am truly flattered. My goal has always been to inspire. You are a very talented lady. It was nice to learn a little more about you.

Kelly said...

Thank you for the award. I really appreciate all of the nice things you said about my blog. Congratulations to you on receiving it too. Your blog is so nice and it was fun to learn more about you.

Tina said...

Congrats!!! on the award.


Dee ⚜️⚜️⚜️⚜️⚜️ said...

The Bahamas sound like an awesome place to live. I'm a Jersey Girl!
I enjoyed reading all about you. Painting is fun and I look forward to seeing your home.
I adore Rosemary - Villabarnes as she is a very sweet blogger.


Sheryl Hastings said...

Congratulations on your award. Love your number 6, you've dieting for 25 years. Maybe someday you'll meet your goal weight. I still working toward mine as well.

Chynadoll said...

Congratulations on your award. Love the blog :)

Brandi said...

Oh Sherry please forgive me. I'm so sorry it took me so long to come over and congratulate you on your award! Thank you so much for including me in your list and the kind words you said about me. Take care and I hope you are enjoying your day!

Rhiannon said...

congrats on the award and for stopping by my place! im a new follower!