Thursday, September 8, 2011

Guest Bedroom

The best storage room in my house is my guest bedroom.  Whenever I'm not sure of where to put anything, I throw it in there and close the door. There's no bed, so it's the best place to store anything and everything.

Believe it or not, I was fine with this mess until my sister called to say she and her two children would come to visit for the summer.

My first headache, sorting through all the junk and getting rid of anything I didn't need.  Then there was the challenge of scraping down the border; although it was just a few feet of wall, the border was almost impossible to scrape off.  I had to keep soaking with water and then scraping.  It took me almost 8 hours to get it all down.
Next was the caulking...

Practically, every nook, crook and cranny in this room had to be caulked and that didn't make me happy.  Do you want to hear the words that came out of my mouth???  Nah, I don't think so...

Say hello to my little friend... we hung out for a couple of days.  :-)

I didn't have much money to invest into this room so I did what I do best, improvised.  The wall was painted blue/green and the other walls egg-shell.  I decided to leave the blinds and I used the remaining of my old faithful tablecloth, that I used for my stool cushion, for the window treatment.

I love this embroidery
Instead of buying a bed, I bought a mattress and box spring.  The picture and pillows took the attention away from the missing headboard.  The comforter and pillows were recycled from my bedroom.  I didn't have anyplace to store my ladder, so I decided to let my ladder store my stuff.  :-)

Used pillow shams to cover folding chair
Other then the purchase of the bed, everything was recycled.  Hopefully, one day I'll be able to dazzle this room and show it off.  But for now, I'm just happy I was able to get it all cleaned up. 

This is my nephew, I found him knocked out in the Family you think the bed was uncomfortable? (smile)  



Comeca Jones said...

Glad you got so much done!Enjoy the visit with your family!

Peggy said...

Love it! Oh boy can I relate to the spare bedroom/storage room thing - I am panicking because some friends are talking about coming for a visit....all I can say is YIKES!

Good job on the remake!